KidzFit Program | November News | Six Simple Nutrition Tips for the holidays.
Please checkout the podcast here for all the great stuff happening in the gym during November and those great tips!
Links and show notes:
The Devoted Strength KidzFit program’s free teaser workout is on November 3rd at 6:30pm. Use the form on this page to get us your kids’ info. Coach Eric will be reaching out with details!
If you’re not yet enrolled in the 12 Habits Fatloss Program, get on it!! Do it here
Remember, checkin on Facebook at Devoted Fitness & Strength often! Every two checkins donates a meal to a kid in need! Use #givemeals
We’re collecting food donations for the local food pantry throughout the month of Novemeber, just drop off your donation in the bins up front and we’ll take care of the rest!
Bring-A-Friend for November will be the week of 11/7 -11/12. Just have your friend(s) bring a food donation and they’ll get the whole week for free! Please get us your friends’ info before hand - don’t surprise us!
Watch for discounts throughout the month on awesome gym swag at!
Here’s the pics from me and Mike’s partner comp!…

photo cred to Trust the Process Photography @trusttheprocessphotography